Plant Hierarchy
Configure Plant Hierarchy
Plant Hierarchy (PH) maps the exact structure of your plant by example by dividing it into units and functions.
• Number of Hierarchical Levels: The more complex the plant, the greater the number of hierarchical levels. This number should reflect the logical structure of the plant. For example, the levels may reflect:
Level 1 – Plant (Usina)
Level 2 – Boiler (Caldeira)
Level 3 – Sideview (Lateral), Soot (Fuligem), Bagasse (Bagaço), Grid Cleaning (Limpeza de Grelha)
Level 4– Device: This level usually includes system CFCs
• Determination of hierarchical levels that influence the name of the plant ID – Plant Object Identification (HID): Project PCS 7 contains many instances of HID: Generated messages and tag names contain the HID to allow the operator to easily recognize a plant unit associated with a message or tag.
It serves to determine which levels of the plant hierarchy will form the tag (what will appear in the WinCC supervisory). Tag is the identification of an object in the system. You can select all PH levels and form a large, detailed tag name or just select a few levels in tag formation and generate a smaller tag.
1 - Selecting all PH levels in tag formation would look like this:
2 – Removing level 1 (Plant) from tag formation would look like this:
3 – Removing levels 1 and 2 from tag formation will look like this:
Levels are selected from the Included in HID option in the Customize window. Plant Hierarchy (see below).
The tag is formed by the composition of PH Level + Chart name + Block name + I / O name
PH Level = M306 - In this example, only Level 3 has been added to HID. If Levels 1 and 2 were also selected to form HID, PH Level would be Plant\Material Tanks\M110.
Chart name = M306 – Is the name of the CFC that houses the tag.
Block name = Motor – Is the name given to the programming block (type VlvL in the example).
I/O name = Start#Value – I/O parameter of the programming block.
• PH screen hierarchy derivation: Process screens are grouped into a specific hierarchy. This allows you to navigate from an overview screen to a level screen more specific. Subordinate screens represent a portion of the overview screen in greater detail. The process hierarchy (picture hierarchy) corresponds to how process screens are stored in the plant hierarchy.
Note: This item will be further detailed later in the course.
• Customize PH
• options\plant hierarchy\settings – set number of hierarchical levels = 4;
• maximum number of characters = 10 (important for tag composition in OS);
• OS Area = 3 define to what hierarchical level will represent an area in the OS;
Note: This item will be further detailed later in the course.
Boiler Project
• Included in HID = 3 – levels that will form the plant ID in the OS.
- Open SIMATIC Manager Plant View.
• Rename folder hierarchy level 1 to Plant.
• Rename folder hierarchy level 2 to Boiler.
• Rename folder hierarchy level 3 to Sideview.
• Create item level 3 Soot. Right-click on Boiler folder and select Insert new object >Hierarchy Folder. Rename to Soot.
• Create item level 3 Bagasse within Boiler.
• Create item level 3 Grid Cleaning inside Boiler.
- Customize plant hierarchy. Open SIMATIC Manager menu Options > Plant Hierarchy > Setting...
• Set Number of hierarchy levels to 3.
• In Level 3, set maximum number of characters equal to 10.
• Select Included in HID option for Level 3.
• Select OS Area option for Level 3.
Process Tag Types
• Open APL 8.1(SIMATIC Manager menu File > Open... In the Libraries tab of the Open Project window select PCS 7 AP Library V81).
• Copy Valve_Lean, Motor_Lean, MotorReversible and PIDControl_Lean templates to Master Data Library. In APL Component View, Templates folder, select AnalogMonitoring, Valve_Lean, Motor_Lean, MotorReversible and PIDControl_Lean and copy them (Ctrl + C). Open Plant View of the Boiler project in the Process Tag Types folder of the Master Data Library (Caldeira_Lib) and paste the templates (Ctrl + V).
• Copy Motor_Lean from Master Data Library Caldeira_Lib to Boiler\Sideview. Rename to M306.
- Create the pictures:
Sideview in Boiler\Sideview
Bagasse in Boiler\Bagasse
Soot in Boiler\Soot
Grid_Cleaning in Boiler \Grid Cleaning
• Open CFC MT 306 and compile the program with the Generate module drivers option.
• Open PLCSim(Windows Explorer > All programs > Siemens Automation > Options & Tools > S7-PLCSIM Simulating Modules or click the Simulation On/Off button on the Simatic Manager toolbar).
• Download AS for PLCSim. In SIMATIC Manager Component View, right click on AS_CALD and choose PLC > Download option. It is not recommended to use Compile and Download Objects ... with PLCSim.
• Change CPU mode in PLCSim to RUN-P (running and released for programming).
• Compile OS. Right click on ES > and select PLC > Compile and Download Objects... menu item. Select Compile Only option.
• Open Wincc Explorer and Tag Management.
• Change Logical device name of TCP/IP protocol in Simatic S7 Protocol Suite. Right-click on TCP/IP and select System Parameters menu item. Select Unit tab and change Logical device name to PLCSim (TCP/IP). Close Tag Management.
• Change runtime language to English. In WinCC Explorer, open Computer > Properties. Select ES in Computer List and click the Properties button. Open Parameters tab and select English (United States) in the fields. Language Setting at Runtime and Default Language at Runtime.
• Allow activation on ES. In WinCC Explorer, open ES > Properties to open Project Properties window. Open Options tab and enable Allow activation on ES to allow the project to run (Runtime) on the ES station.
• Run application in WinCC Explorer.
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